About Us

Company information

We are an independent game creator. The primary focus is to write games for phones and tablets for the Android and iOS operating systems. Due to our size, games will be released on one platform and then the other. 

Feedback on our games is always welcome. We want to hear what you like as well as what you don't like about our games. Let us know at game feedback - since the time it takes to read the emails takes away from development time please please make critisisms or compliments as specific as possible. 


We've been programming and playing video games since the early 1980s. Name a game console or home computer from that time period and we have probably programmed on it and played games on it. (Our lawyers told us not to mention any specific companies or products from then.) We've gotten tired of the photo-realistic games of today and want to bring back the fun and magic we experienced with those simple games from back then. We hope our games will connect with others in that same way.